==================== Contributing to PyNN ==================== Mailing list ============ Discussions about PyNN take place in the `NeuralEnsemble Google Group`_. Setting up a development environment ==================================== We strongly suggest you work in a virtual environment, e.g. using virtualenv_ or Anaconda. Requirements ------------ In addition to the requirements listed in :doc:`../installation`, you will need to install: * nose_ * mock_ * coverage_ to run tests, and: * Sphinx_ * matplotlib to build the documentation. Code checkout ------------- PyNN development is based around GitHub. Once you have a GitHub account, you should fork_ the official `PyNN repository`_, and then clone your fork to your local machine:: $ git clone https://github.com//PyNN.git pyNN_dev To work on the development version:: $ git checkout master To work on the latest stable release (for bug-fixes):: $ git checkout --track origin/0.7 To keep your PyNN repository up-to-date with respect to the official repository, add it as a remote:: $ git remote add upstream https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/PyNN.git and then you can pull in any upstream changes:: $ git pull upstream master To get PyNN onto your :envvar:`PYTHONPATH` there are many options, such as: * pip editable mode (`pip install -e /path/to/PyNN`) * creating a symbolic link named :file:`pyNN` from somewhere that is already on your :envvar:`PYTHONPATH`, such as the :file:`site-packages` directory, to the :file:`pyNN_trunk/pyNN` directory. If you are developing with NEURON, don't forget to compile the NMODL files in :file:`pyNN/neuron/nmodl` by running :command:`nrnivmodl`, and to recompile any time you modify any of them. Coding style ============ We try to stay fairly close to PEP8_. Please note in particular: - indentation of four spaces, no tabs - single space around most operators, but no space around the '=' sign when used to indicate a keyword argument or a default parameter value. - some function/method names in PyNN use ``mixedCase``, but these will gradually be deprecated and replaced with ``lower_case_with_underscores``. Any new functions or methods should use the latter. - we currently target versions 2.6, 2.7 and 3.4 Testing ======= Running the PyNN test suite requires the *nose_* and *mock_* packages, and optionally the *coverage_* package. To run the entire test suite, in the ``test`` subdirectory of the source tree:: $ nosetests To see how well the codebase is covered by the tests, run:: $ nosetests --with-coverage --cover-package=pyNN --cover-erase --cover-html There are currently two sorts of tests, unit tests, which aim to exercise small pieces of code such as individual functions and methods, and system tests, which aim to test that all the pieces of the system work together as expected. If you add a new feature to PyNN, or fix a bug, you should write both unit and system tests. Unit tests should where necessary make use of mock/fake/stub/dummy objects to isolate the component under test as well as possible. The :mod:`pyNN.mock` module is a complete mock simulator backend that may be used for this purpose. Except when testing a specific simulator interface, unit tests should be able to run without a simulator installed. System tests should be written so that they can run with any of the simulators. The suggested way to do this is to write test functions, in a separate file, that take a simulator module as an argument, and then call these functions from ``test_neuron.py``, ``test_nest.py``, etc. The ``test/unsorted`` directory contains a number of old tests that are either no longer useful or have not yet been adapted to the nose framework. These are not part of the test suite, but we are gradually adapting those tests that are useful and deleting the others. Submitting code =============== The best way to get started with contributing code to PyNN is to fix a small bug (`bugs marked "minor" in the bug tracker`_) in your checkout of the code. Once you are happy with your changes, **run the test suite again to check that you have not introduced any new bugs**. If this is your first contribution to the project, please add your name and affiliation/employer to :file:`AUTHORS`. After committing the changes to your local repository:: $ git commit -m 'informative commit message' first pull in any changes from the upstream repository:: $ git pull upstream master then push to your own account on GitHub:: $ git push Now, via the GitHub web interface, open a pull request. Documentation ============= PyNN documentation is generated using Sphinx_. To build the documentation in HTML format, run:: $ make html in the ``doc`` subdirectory of the source tree. Many of the files contain examples of interactive Python sessions. The validity of this code can be tested by running:: $ make doctest PyNN documentation is hosted at http://neuralensemble.org/docs/PyNN Making a release ================ To make a release of PyNN requires you to have permissions to upload PyNN packages to the `Python Package Index`_ and the INCF Software Center, and to upload documentation to the neuralensemble.org server. If you are interested in becoming release manager for PyNN, please contact us via the `mailing list`_. When you think a release is ready, run through the following checklist one last time: * do all the tests pass? This means running :command:`nosetests` in :file:`test/unittests` and :file:`test/system` and running :command:`make doctest` in :file:`doc`. You should do this on at least two Linux systems -- one a very recent version and one at least a year old, and on at least one version of Mac OS X. You should also do this with Python 2.6, 2.7 and 3.4. * do all the example scripts generate the correct output? Run the :file:`run_all_examples.py` script in :file:`examples/tools` and then visually check the :file:`.png` files generated in :file:`examples/tools/Results`. Again, you should do this on at least two Linux systems and one Mac OS X system. * does the documentation build without errors? You should then at least skim the generated HTML pages to check for obvious problems. * have you updated the version numbers in :file:`setup.py`, :file:`pyNN/__init__.py`, :file:`doc/conf.py` and :file:`doc/installation.txt`? * have you updated the changelog? Once you've confirmed all the above, create a source package using:: $ python setup.py sdist and check that it installs properly (you will find it in the :file:`dist` subdirectory. Now you should commit any changes, then tag with the release number as follows:: $ git tag x.y.z where ``x.y.z`` is the release number. You should now upload the documentation to http://neuralensemble.org/docs/PyNN/ by running:: $ make zip in the :file:`doc` directory, and then unpacking the resulting archive on the NeuralEnsemble server. If this is a development release (i.e. an *alpha* or *beta*), the final step is to upload the source package to the INCF Software Center. Do **not** upload development releases to PyPI. To upload a package to the INCF Software Center, log-in, and then go to the Contents_ tab. Click on "Add new..." then "File", then fill in the form and upload the source package. If this is a final release, there are a few more steps: * if it is a major release (i.e. an ``x.y.0`` release), create a new bug-fix branch:: $ git branch x.y * upload the source package to PyPI:: $ python setup.py sdist upload * make an announcement on the `mailing list`_ * if it is a major release, write a blog post about it with a focus on the new features and major changes * go home, take a headache pill and lie down for a while in a darkened room (-; .. _Sphinx: http://sphinx-doc.org/ .. _PEP8: http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/ .. _nose: https://nose.readthedocs.org/ .. _mock: http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/mock/ .. _coverage: http://nedbatchelder.com/code/coverage/ .. _`Python Package Index`: http://pypi.python.org/ .. _`mailing list`: http://groups.google.com/group/neuralensemble .. _`NeuralEnsemble Google Group`: http://groups.google.com/group/neuralensemble .. _matplotlib: http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net/ .. _virtualenv: http://www.virtualenv.org/ .. _`bugs marked "minor" in the bug tracker`: https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/PyNN/issues?labels=minor&state=open .. _`issue tracker`: https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/PyNN/issues/ .. _fork: https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/PyNN/fork .. _`PyNN repository`: https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/PyNN/ .. _contents: http://software.incf.org/software/pynn/pynn/folder_contents