============= Data handling ============= .. todo:: add a note that data handling has changed considerably since 0.7, and give link to detailed changelog. Recorded data in PyNN is always associated with the :class:`Population` or :class:`Assembly` from which it was recorded. Data may either be written to file, using the :meth:`write_data` method, or retrieved as objects in memory, using :meth:`get_data`. Retrieving recorded data ======================== Handling of recorded data in PyNN makes use of the Neo_ package, which provides a common Python data model for neurophysiology data (whether real or simulated). The :meth:`get_data` method returns a Neo :class:`Block` object. This is the top-level data container, which contains one or more :class:`Segment`\s. Each :class:`Segment` is a container for data sharing a common time basis - a new :class:`Segment` is added every time the :func:`reset` function is called. A :class:`Segment` can contain lists of :class:`AnalogSignal`, :class:`AnalogSignalArray` and :class:`SpikeTrain` objects. These data objects inherit from NumPy's array class, and so can be treated in further processing (analysis, visualization, etc.) in exactly the same way as NumPy arrays, but in addition they carry metadata about units, sampling interval, etc. Here is a complete example of recording and plotting data from a simulation: .. .. plot:: pyplots/neo_example.py .. :include-source: .. literalinclude:: pyplots/neo_example.py .. image:: images/neo_example.png The adoption of Neo as an output representation also makes it easier to handle data when running multiple simulations with the same network, calling :meth:`reset` between each run. In previous versions of PyNN it was necessary to retrieve the data before every :meth:`reset`, and take care of storing the resulting data. Now, each run just creates a new Neo ``Segment``, and PyNN takes care of storing the data until it is needed. This is illustrated in the example below. .. .. plot:: images/reset_example.py .. :include-source: .. literalinclude:: pyplots/reset_example.py .. image:: images/reset_example.png .. note:: if you still want to retrieve the data after every run you can do so: just call ``get_data(clear=True)`` Writing data to file ==================== Neo provides support for writing to a `variety of different file formats`_, notably an assortment of text-based formats, NumPy binary format, Matlab :file:`.mat` files, and HDF5. To write to a given format, we create a Neo :class:`IO` object and pass it to the :meth:`write_data` method: .. testsetup:: import os import pyNN.mock as sim sim.setup() population = sim.Population(10, sim.IF_cond_exp()) population.record(['spikes', 'v']) sim.run(0.2) if os.path.exists("my_data.h5"): os.remove("my_data.h5") .. doctest:: >>> from neo.io import NeoHdf5IO >>> io = NeoHdf5IO(filename="my_data.h5") >>> population.write_data(io) .. todo: check whether we need to close the `io` object. As a shortcut, for file formats with a well-defined file extension, it is possible to pass just the filename, and PyNN will create the appropriate :class:`IO` object for you: .. doctest:: >>> population.write_data("my_data.mat") # writes to a Matlab file By default, all the variables that were specified in the :meth:`record` call will be saved to file, but it is also possible to save only a subset of the recorded data: .. doctest:: >>> population.write_data(io, variables=('v', 'gsyn_exc')) When running distributed simulations using MPI (see :doc:`parallel`), by default the data is gathered from all MPI nodes to the master node, and only saved to file on the master node. If you would prefer that each node saves its own local subset of the data to disk separately, use *gather=False*: .. doctest:: >>> population.write_data(io, gather=False) Saving data to a file does not delete the data from the :class:`Population` object. If you wish to do so (for example to release memory), use *clear=True*: .. doctest:: >>> population.write_data(io, clear=True) .. testcleanup:: import os for filename in ("my_data.h5", "my_data.mat"): if os.path.exists(filename): os.remove(filename) Simple plotting =============== Plotting Neo data with Matplotlib, as shown above, can be rather verbose, with a lot of repetitive boilerplate code. PyNN therefore provides a couple of classes, :class:`~pyNN.utility.plotting.Figure` and :class:`~pyNN.utility.plotting.Panel`, to make quick-and-easy plots of recorded data. It is possible to customize the plots to some extent, but for publication-quality or highly-customized plots you should probably use Matplotlib or some other plotting package directly. A simple example:: from pyNN.utility.plotting import Figure, Panel ... population.record('spikes') population[0:2].record(('v', 'gsyn_exc')) ... data = population.get_data().segments[0] vm = data.filter(name="v")[0] gsyn = data.filter(name="gsyn_exc")[0] Figure( Panel(vm, ylabel="Membrane potential (mV)"), Panel(gsyn, ylabel="Synaptic conductance (uS)"), Panel(data.spiketrains, xlabel="Time (ms)", xticks=True) ).save("simulation_results.png") .. image:: images/release_0.8b1_example.png :width: 600px :alt: Image generated using the Figure and Panel classes from pyNN.utility.plotting Other packages for working with Neo data ======================================== A variety of software tools are available for working with Neo-format data, for example SpykeViewer_ and OpenElectrophy_. .. _Neo: http://neuralensemble.org/neo .. _`variety of different file formats`: http://packages.python.org/neo/io.html#module-neo.io .. _SpykeViewer: http://spyke-viewer.readthedocs.org/en/0.4.0/ .. _OpenElectrophy: http://neuralensemble.org/OpenElectrophy/