=========== Projections =========== .. currentmodule:: pyNN.neuron .. autoclass:: Projection :members: :undoc-members: :inherited-members: :show-inheritance: .. attribute:: pre The pre-synaptic Population, PopulationView or Assembly. .. attribute:: post The post-synaptic Population, PopulationView or Assembly. .. attribute:: source A string specifying which attribute of the presynaptic cell signals action potentials. .. attribute:: target Name of the postsynaptic mechanism type (e.g. 'excitatory', 'NMDA'). .. attribute:: label A label for the Projection. .. attribute:: rng The RNG object that was used by the Connector. .. attribute:: synapse_dynamics The SynapseDynamics object that was used to specify the synaptic plasticity mechanism, or `None` if the synapses are static. .. automethod:: __len__ .. automethod:: __getitem__ .. automethod:: __iter__ .. autofunction:: connect